Workforce Identity
Our comprehensive solution for digital identity of both employees and technical elements. We specialize in strong two-factor authentication solutions, electronic signatures and build Certificate Authorities. The ProID platform combines tools for User Authentication (ProID Multi-factor) with add-on modules for Certificate Management (ProID Module) and a comprehensive PKI infrastructure (ProID Domain). Our KMS system manages the lifecycle of technological certificates and automates their administration.
ProID Platform
ProID Multifactor - Multifactor Authentication tools
Solutions for multifactor login to computers, VPN and clouds. Choose and combine individual tools - chip cards, mobile apps, Bittron USB token or TPM chips. While getting rid of complex passwords, increase the level of data protection, encrypt VPN connections and sign electronically.
ProID Module - Certificate Lifecycle Management application
Extension modules for organization's infrastructure administrators. A convenient solution for complex operations regarding certificates and keys, which automates processes and performs them in real time. Importantly, it is mutually compatible with ProID Multifactor and ProID Domain.
ProID Domain - Building of Certificate Authorities and PKI infrastructure
Organization's infrastructure protection using PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) technology to secure identities and access to internal systems. Certification Authorities include operational, emergency and security documentation, with full connection to authentication tools and add-on modules.
Key Management System (KMS) for managing technical/technology certificates
KMS is a comprehensive solution for organization's infrastructure protection, storage and distribution of technology certificates. It secures encrypted communication of devices, servers and applications or device authentication within the network. KMS extends PKI with a technological branch.