More secure and user-friendly access to internal systems with PKI Smart Card, replacing username-password method.
The client's requirements
The bank needed stable and more secure access to the internal computer network, replacing impractical and insecure username-password authentication method.
The solution delivered
The username-password authentication method required complex and regularly changed passwords. Monet+ replaced it with two/factor authentication based on ProID+ platform, using PIN-protected Smart Card for secure storage of cryptographic keys and certificates in highly secure PKI system. The solution included secure system architecture design, cards and certificates management modules and integration with internal MS Active Directory
Zvýšení bezpečnosti přístupu do PC a zvýšení uživatelského komfortu. Nahrazení jména a hesla s nutností jejich průběžné obměny systémem pro dvoufaktorové přihlášení s PKI čipovou kartou a PINem. Řešení využívá platformu ProID+ a zahrnuje dodávku čipových karet, správní moduly pro celý životní cyklus karet a certifikátů a integraci s interním MS Active Directory klienta.
The client benefited from greater levels of secure PC access as well as user convenience. We dispensed with usernames and passwords, which had been changed regularly, and replaced them with two-factor log-in details via a PKI smart card and PIN.
The benefits delivered
- improved security of internal systems logical access
- user-friendly solution replacing complex, often changed passwords with secure PIN-protected Smart Card